Show Source

Occasionally, you'll want to view the source code for a particular function that might require further investigation. You can easily jump to the source code and compare the profiling results against the actual code to determine if the data is acceptable, or if it's a candidate for further optimization.

To show the source code for a function:

  1. In the Execution Time view, right-click on a function and select Show Source from the menu.

Context menu navigation options

An easy to use context navigation menu is available for each node of the tree, table, or call graph. The options available from the context menu are:

Related concepts
Column descriptions
Interpreting Tree mode column information by profiling type
Toolbar options
Context menu navigation options
Take Snapshot and Watch Difference
Show Threads Tree
Show Table mode
Show Calls
Show Reverse Calls
Show Call Graphs
Duplicating the view
Viewing history
Setting preferences
Copying to the clipboard