Memory optimization

The term memory profiling refers to a wide range of application testing tasks related to computer memory, such as identifying memory corruption, memory leaks and optimizing memory usage. The QNX Momentics IDE, which is part of QNX SDP 6.5.0, includes tools to assist you with all of these tasks. However, this article focuses on the optimization of memory usage for better performance and smaller memory footprint. Memory efficiency is particularly critical for embedded software, where memory resources are very limited, especially with absence of swapping, and the need for processes that run continuously.

Note: Before you continue, you'll need to have basic knowledge of the QNX Momentics IDE (the Eclipse-based Integrated Development Environment), and you need to know how to edit, compile, and run C/C++ applications on target hosts running the QNX Neutrino RTOS.
Related concepts
Memory management in QNX Neutrino
Finding memory errors and leaks
The Memory Analysis tool