Caution: This version of this document is no longer maintained. For the latest documentation, see


Structure that defines an input or output channel


See below.


This structure defines an instance of an input or output channel returned from a call to an addon's MediaInput->AcquireInputChannel() or MediaOutput->AcquireOutputChannel() function.

Filters are connected using these channels; an output channel is connected to an input channel. Each channel is stored as a MmChannel_t structure, whose first element is a MmElement_t structure, which provides easy identification.

This structure has at least the following members:

MmElement_t element
The type of media structure this structure represents (in the case of a channel, it's MM_ELEMENT_CHANNEL). The element also contains a unique ID.
int32_t direction
The channel direction. One of MM_CHANNEL_INPUT or MM_CHANNEL_OUTPUT.
MmFormat_t flags
The status of the channel. Can be a combination of:
MmFormat_t format
The format of the media element, used to negotiate between filters.
MmFilter_t filter
The filter that owns this element.
MmChannel_t lchannel
The channel this element is connected to.



See also:

MmAcquireInputChannel(), MmAcquireOutputChannel(), MmAttachChannels(), MmFindChannelsFilter(), MmReleaseChannel(), MediaInput, MediaOutput

The Extending the Multimedia Framework chapter.