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Multimedia Interface Reference

This chapter provides reference information about the interfaces that a filter has to implement to be used by the Multimedia library. Some of the interfaces are defined in the Addon Interface Library (the AO* interfaces), while others are defined in the Multimedia library (Media* interfaces). For a description of how to write a filter, see the Extending the Multimedia library chapter.

Interface Description Used in
AODeConstructor Create and destroy interface for a filter All filters
AOStreamInspector A stream inspection interface Any filter with a streaming input of raw data
AOFormatInspector A format inspection interface Decoders and writers working with formatted data
AOExtInspector A file extension interface Any reader that takes streaming input (not implemented by existing Multimedia filters)
AOMimetypeInspector A mimetype inspection interface Parsers
AOResourceAccess A filter resource manipulation interface Any filter that exposes resources
MediaReader An input stream interface Readers
MediaWriter A stream writer interface Writers that output to a streamer (such as the raw file or wave file writers)
MediaInput Input channel interface Filters with one or more input channels
MediaOutput Output channel interface Filters with one or more output channels
MediaControl Playback control interface Filters that need to respond to a Pause(), for example, frame-based filters that need to start at the beginning of a frame
MediaSeeker Seek interface Filters that need to respond to a Seek()
MediaClock Clock synchronization interface Writers. The library implements a default MediaClock, which is used by the existing audio writer filter.
MediaBufferAllocator Buffer allocation interface Any filter that uses custom buffer allocation. The library implements a default MediaBufferAllocator, which existing Multimedia filters use.

More information about the AO* interfaces can be found in the Addon Interfaces Library Reference.