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Caution: This version of this document is no longer maintained. For the latest documentation, see http://www.qnx.com/developers/docs.


Capabilities for a layer


typedef struct {
    unsigned int    format;
    long            owner;

    unsigned int    caps;
    unsigned int    alpha_caps;
    unsigned int    alpha_combine_caps;
    unsigned int    chroma_caps;

    int     max_data_width;
    int     max_data_height;

    int     max_src_width;
    int     max_src_height;

    int     max_dst_width;
    int     max_dst_height;
    int     min_dst_width;
    int     min_dst_height;

    int     max_x_scale;
    int     max_y_scale;
    int     min_x_scale;
    int     min_y_scale;

    unsigned int    reserved[4];
} PgLayerCaps_t;


The PgLayerCaps_t structure describes the capabilities of a layer. To fill in this structure for a layer, call PgGetLayerCaps(). To set the capabilities, call PgSetLayerArg().

The members of the PgLayerCaps_t structure include:

The layer format that corresponds to the format index that you pass to PgGetLayerCaps(); one of:
The Photon client ID of the owner, if the surface is locked.
General capabilities; a combination of the following:
Alpha capabilities. Only global and per-pixel alpha blending are currently supported. Alpha maps aren't supported for blending between layers.
Alpha combine capabilities.
Chroma key capabilities:
max_data_width, max_data_height
The maximum size of a layer surface, in pixels.
max_src_width, max_src_height
The maximum size of the source viewport, in pixels.
max_dst_width, max_dst_height
The maximum size of the destination viewport, in pixels.
min_dst_width, min_dst_height
The minimum size of the destination viewport, in pixels.
The maximum scaling factor for scaling up in the horizontal direction:

Values less than 1 are invalid.

The maximum scaling factor for scaling up in the vertical direction:

Values less than 1 are invalid.

The maximum scaling factor for scaling down in the horizontal direction:

Values less than 1 are invalid.

The maximum scaling factor for scaling down in the vertical direction:

Values less than 1 are invalid.



See also:

PgGetLayerCaps(), PgSetLayerArg(), PhImage_t

"Layers" in the Raw Drawing and Animation chapter of the Photon Programmer's Guide

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