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Caution: This version of this document is no longer maintained. For the latest documentation, see http://www.qnx.com/developers/docs.


Provide Stream Control Transmission Protocol (SCTP) services


mount -Ttcpip lsm-sctp.so




The SCTP DLL lsm-sctp.so implements Stream Control Transmission Protocol services. The npm-tcpip.so shared object can load this module. You must load this module if you want to use SCTP protocol functions.

If you're using the lsm-sctp.so module, the stack size (i.e. the stacksize option) for npm-tcpip.so must be at least 4096 bytes (the default).


SCTP currently supports only IPv4.

Although SCTP (lsm-sctp.so) supports only the IPv4 protocol family, you must use it with the npm-tcpip-v6.so DLL.

You can't mount lsm-sctp.so while using the npm-tcpip-v4.so DLL, due to internal dependencies. The npm-tcpip-v6.so DLL supports both IPv4 and IPv6 protocols.


io-net -d driver -ptcpip
mount -Ttcpip lsm-sctp.so

See also:

SCTP, sctp_bindx(), sctp_connectx(), sctp_freeladdrs(), sctp_freepaddrs(), sctp_getladdrs(), sctp_getpaddrs(), sctp_peeloff(), sctp_recvmsg(), sctp_sendmsg()

RFC 2960, RFC 3257

IETF Internet-Drafts:

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