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Caution: This version of this document is no longer maintained. For the latest documentation, see http://www.qnx.com/developers/docs.


A merged formats structure


See below.


This structure defines a generic media type, which can be audio, video, or image, and includes compression information. It contains the following members:

uint32_t mtype
A flag indicating media type, which can be one of: These flags can be ORed with MEDIA_TYPE_COMPRESSED if the data is compressed.
uint32_t fourcc
A standard "four character code" that describes the media type. This is the standard FOURCC value used in avi and quicktime files. A number of additional values are defined:
A straight union for the above media formats. The union contains members image, audio, and video, of type ImageFormat_t, AudioFormat_t, and VideoFormat_t respectively.


QNX Neutrino

See also:

ImageFormat_t, VideoFormat_t, AudioFormat_t

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